2025 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION in Waco, TX this weekend found a few San Gabriel members hard a work. Saturday January 18 2925 lunch break at the Fourth Session found Brothers Sid Smithton, Greg Yalch and Ray Foster enjoying a much needing meal after a full morning of meetings.
“Golden Trowel Award”
Mark Pavlovich
The Officers and Members of San Gabriel #89 Lodge were proud to present tonight’s award of the Golden Trowel to Brother Mark Pavlovich. The Golden Towel is the highest award that a Lodge can bestow upon a Brother Mason. Brother Pavlovich resurrected the Lodge’s website to provide state-of-the-art communications for members. The website has provided interested men to approach via “Ask A Mason” portal which has resulted in new members. He has provided improved methods in planning events such as the annual July 4th Barbecue with the introduction of Planned Potluck Meals. The website became a valuable asset to members allowing them to have a current activity calendar, published event photos and stories and reference materials. Brother Pavlovich planned a community service activity such as the recent “Wreaths Across America” for members to place Christmas Wreaths on U. S. Veterans graves at Bagdad Cemetery in Leander, TX. The lodge now has a internet connection to provide security and communications due to his tireless efforts to install the equipment. The bi-annual Ladies Tea is a result of his suggestion to the leadership team a few yeas ago. All of the activity photos are taken by Brother Pavlovich both within the Lodge and community service activities. On January 15 2027 San Gabriel #89 Lodge will reach its 175th Anniversary of continuous operation in Georgetown, Texas. Brother Pavlovich has organized an Event Committee to plan an onsite celebration reaching out to the community.
Preceding the Golden Trowel ceremony was a meal served in the lodge dining room.
View additional event photos, CLICK HERE
The Golden Trowel Award – CLICK TO LEARN MORE
Photographs Taken By Matt Pavlovich
San Gabriel #89 Lodge Members served a Fall Tea at the Lodge this afternoon. The ladies enjoyed a variety of finger sandwiches, toasted ham & cheese bites, & pumpkin-spice muffins. All of this was topped with two different quiches.
Freshly baked blueberry scones were serve along with peach & banana nut breads. A specially selected English Afternoon Tea was brewed and served form fine china tea pots.
Table settings were carefully decorated and seating was spaced so that guests could enjoy good conversations with one another. Kim Yalch again provided her delicate and flavorful cup cake.
A special thank-you to Kim Yalch for the planning and food preparation of this event. A thank you to the members of Hadassah Chapter #188 O.E.S. for helping and the fine servers from San Gabriel #89 Lodge.
CLICK HERE to view additional photos of the event.
The faithful smoker adjacent to the Lodge builder was working overtime for this event. We had two crews who worked to prepare the beef brisket and at 1:00 am they were relieved. The second crew kept a sharp eye on the smoker and just prior to serving, pulled the beef and sausage out.
The crew began preparing the meat while others prepared placing the side dishes. A special preparation of smoked beef was made. The fellows slowly shredded the beef and then it was placed in a pan for the next step.. The meat was then seasoned and let sit until food was served at 5:00pm. Brother Carnes’ idea was a big hit.
This year members of San Gabriel outdid themselves. There was potato salad, assortment of beans, cole slaw, pasta salad, rolls, variety of condiments. The dessert table was a hit. Assortment of homemade cup cakes, peach cobler, cake, cookies, and of course banana pudding. There was plenty to go around twice.
A “cake walk” was set up in the lodge for the children to participate. Nice to see that the kids really got into the event and knowing there was a very large container of prizes waiting for them. Many thanks to the O.E.S. for arranging this for us.
It was estimated we had 100+ guests enjoying the July 4 Barbecue. Georgetown Police Officers on duty in the Park stopped and ate with us later in the afternoon. The fireworks later in the day was a success.
Photos Taken By Brother Mark Pavlovich
The 2024-2025 Lodge Officers were installed this morning at San Gabriel #89 Lodge. Following the ceremonies a reception was held in the dinning area with family and firends.
Additional Photos – CLICK HERE
Photos Taken By Brother David Docimo
Endowment Presentation
During the June 13, 2024 Stated Meeting, Worshipful Master Greg Roland presented Brother Mark Pavlovich his Certificate of Endowment for San Gabriel #89 Lodge.
Applications can be found in the Member’s Portal on the Website.
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Endowment Presentation
During the June 13, 2024 Stated Meeting, Worshipful Master Greg Roland presented Brother Mark Pavlovich his Certificate of Endowment for San Gabriel #89 Lodge.
Applications can be found in the Member’s Portal on the Website.
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2024 College Scholarships Awarded
The Ladies from Hadassah #188 Texas Order of the Eastern Star prepared a real festive meal. They served a large oven baked potato with a selection of toppings; including, bacon, chilli, taco beef, cheese, chopped scallons, butter and sour cream.
Complimenting this was a couple of tomato & green salads and iced tea. To complete the evening was the desert table filled with apple pie, cakes and cookies. I know it is hard to believe that there wasn’t banana pudding.
Following the meal Worshipful Master Greg Roland called to order an open meeting for the purpose of presenting this years scholarship award.
A callout to the senior class at Jarrell High School was made and 7 students applied. The Scholarship committee interview each candidate and selected two students they felt best qualified the award criteria. Each of the two winners will be awarded a $2,500 scholarship from San Gabriel #89 Masonic Lodge.
The students awarded this year are; Jazmyn Doss and Dalianelis Fuestas-Foreseca.
Jazmyn is a member of the Varisity Marching Band, Soccer, Softball and Volleyball. She is planning to attend University of Texas – Austin studying Mathematics / Risk Management. Accompany her was her parent, Cary Doss.
Dalianelis is a member of the Key Club, Secretary of Spanish Club, and member of the National Honor Society. Accompanying her was her parent, Milagros Fonseca-Lopez. She is planning to attend Austin Community College.
Representing Jarell High School was Alison Martone, CCMR Coordinator and Laura Buckley, Assistant Superintendent Jarrell ISD.
View additional photos of the evening and the award presentations – CLICK HERE
May 9 2024 “Past Masters Appreciation Night”
May 4 2024
A Ladies’s Tea was held in the dinning area with Lodge members serving 26 ladies.
Colorful fruit cups were served after the first pouring of tea. This was followed by an assortment of finger sandwiches. The ladies had an option of three different scones and the highlight of the afternoon were the chocolate tulips.
Each table was carefully decorating with Spring flowers, fine china pieces were on loan from the O.E.S. Tea pots used in serving were all different styles and shapes. The tea selection was a blend that made the afternoon perfect.
This event was hosted by Kim Yalch who was helped by members of the O.E.S. The members of San Gabriel want to thank Kim for her tireless energy in planning this event.
Our Worshipful Master, Greg Roland along with PM Greg Yalch, Jeffrey Hanks, Walt Herbert, Ray Foster and Kyle Cosby served the ladies in fine order.
Perhaps when the next Ladies’ Tea is planned you can encourage the ladies in your life to come out and enjoy a nice quiet afternoon with good company and good food.
Sign up will be the same and found on the Front Page of the Website.
View The Entire Photo Album – Click Here
The Fantastic Teeth Fan Club is a program created by Masonic Children & Family Services of Texas. (MCFS) to help children and parents learn to prevent painful dental problems and avoid expensive treatment. We partner with Masonic Lodges acress the state to provide free tooth decay prevention kits and dental eduction to first graders.
Currently 638 Lodges in Texas participate in the yearly program, so far 140,870 kits have been distributed in 1,743 schools.
San Ganbriel #89 has been an active Lodge in the program for a number of year.s This year Lodge members assembled and distributed 450 kits in the Pflugerville and Georgetown School Districts. Lodge members visited the following schools; IGO Elementary / Jarrell TX Wilhelmina Delco Elem / Pflugerville TX McCoy Elem / Georgetown, TX Village Elem / Georgetown, TX Jo Ann Ford Elem / Georgetown, TX
Since the program started Masons have delivered 1,276,25 kits to Texan first graders.
Included is the article that appeared in the April 12 2024 Edition of the Williamson County Sun Paper.
San Gabriel #89 Masonic Lodge again participated in the Texas Perfect Teeth Program by delivering kits to five different elementary schools within Williamson County.
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Saturday Feb 3, 2024 family members of Brother Howard Walker, PM – Duck Creek Lodge – Garland, TX joined members of San Gabriel #89 for a Masonic Memorial Service at the Lodge. WM Greg Roland conducted the Memorial Services at 11 am and a light luncheon was served in the dining room. Our Stewards, Glenn Carnes and Ron Brown prepared a very nice lunch for everyone to enjoy.
Additional Photos – CLICK HERE
Lodge Members, family members and friends enjoy a delightful evening with a delicious meal after a visit from Santa. The main course was prime rib provided and prepared by Brother Greg Yalch, PM A wide assortment of side dishes were provided by lodge members. Assisting in the evening meal were members from the Hadassah #188 Texas Order of the Eastern Star who brought some special holiday dishes.
The dessert table had a collection of pies, cakes, cookies that seemed to have disappeared even before the meal was over.
The evening started with a visit from Santa complete with photos and a private conversation with Santa.
There is a link below that will direct you to additional photos taken. They are being stored on Google Photos and you can download any of the photos.
Photos taken by Brother Mark Pavlovich
Addtional Photos – CLICK HERE
The 2023 Thanksgiving Dinner provided a wondeful servicing of turkey, chicken and ham with an assortment of side dishes. The desert table offered members and guests a good assortment, from pumpkin pie, pecan pie and mouthwatering brownies.
Additional photos – CLICK HERE
During the Nov 9, 2023 Stated Meeting, Brother Michael Dosier was presented with the certificate of his endowment to San Gabriel Lodge by Worship Master Greg Roland. Assisting in the presentation was District Deputy Grand Master Wayne K. Walker.
The Masonic Endowment Program benefits both the member and his lodge. You will find forms and information on the program by going to the Members Portal and downloading the material.
CLICK HERE for additional photos.
A week ago a number of members came to help remove furniture, photos, tables, chairs and the like to ready the temple for the painters, carptenters, electricans and plumbers to complete their work orders. There are two outside storage units in the parking lot housing the materials until all of the works has been completed. Attached, please find photos of the painting progress of the kitchen, dinning area and hall. All of the “popcorn ceiling” was removed and painted as well. More construction photos to follow. See More Photo – CLICK HERE
Installation of Lodge Officers 2023-2024 Term
Saturday July 15 2023 the newly elected and appointed officers of San Gabriel #89 were sworn in for the new masonic year 2023-2024. Performing the installation was PM Greg Yalch as WM and PM Eric Sims, as Marshall.
Following the Installation Ceremonies a luncheon was served with a great assortment of deserts and decorate sheet cake.
Additional photos of the activity can been see by CLICK HERE
July 4 2023 Community Barbecue Potluck
The 4th of July Barbecue this year was a huge success. Thanks to the generous donations from lodge members and friends, we were able to feed another huge crowd. The briskets cooked under the close supervision of Brother Mike Loney would have taken “Best In Show” in any bbq cook-off in Texas.
A children’s “Cake Walk’ was conducted in the Lodge. Amazing how quickly youngster who never competing in a Cake Walk caught on. The winnings of small treats were the hit of the afternoon. We couldn’t get any of the adults up and on their feet to walk the course. Perhaps it was the brisket and sides that kept them in their seat.
The fireworks later in the evening put on the Sertoma International Club of Georgetown was great. Plenty of oohs and awhs to go around.
Additional Photos and Video of Children’s Cake Walk – CLICK HERE
July 4 2023 Community Barbecue Potluck
The 4th of July Barbecue this year was a huge success. Thanks to the generous donations from lodge members and friends, we were able to feed another huge crowd. The briskets cooked under the close supervision of Brother Mike Loney would have taken “Best In Show” in any bbq cook-off in Texas.
A children’s “Cake Walk’ was conducted in the Lodge. Amazing how quickly youngster who never competing in a Cake Walk caught on. The winnings of small treats were the hit of the afternoon. We couldn’t get any of the adults up and on their feet to walk the course. Perhaps it was the brisket and sides that kept them in their seat.
The fireworks later in the evening put on the Sertoma International Club of Georgetown was great. Plenty of oohs and awhs to go around.
Additional Photos and Video of Children’s Cake Walk – CLICK HERE
Lodge Parking Lot Striping Detail
After the Last Saturday’s Breakfast, the detail retired to the parking lot and prepared it for repainting the parking stripes along with the handicap parking areas. The workers outnumbered the supervisors – project was completed in short order. Enjoy some of their efforts – More Photos+
San Gabriel Members Awarded Service Pints 50-60-65 Years
DDGM RW Wayne Walker assisted by WM Greg Yalch presented San Gabriels Members recognized for their years of service to Masonry this evening. Preceding the ceremonies was a dinner served in the Lodge Dinning Room.
CLICK HERE for additional photos.
May 11, 2023 San Gabriel #89 Lodge Hosted a Meal and Awards Ceremony for the two H.S. Seniors, Kelly Kazsuk and Matthew Teiniert who will receive each a $2,500 scholarship from San Gabriel Ladge. Matthew Teiniert is planning to attend University of Texas – Austin while Kelly Kazsuk is planning to attend Texas A & M University. Mathhew and his family was able to join us on May 11th. Kelly was unable to attend. Brothers Walt Hebert and Mark Pavlovich went to the Jarrell H.S. Awards Night on May 18th and presented Kelly with her certificate. Photos from both nights can be viewed by clicking HERE
This was the 25th year that San Gabriel has given out scholarships to graduating high school students. Plans for the annual Scholarship Goff Tournament are in the planning stages, the event planned for Early September 2023.
Members of San Gabriel #89 extend congratulations to Brother Harry Gonzales recently at the U.S. Naturalization Ceremonies held in Austin, TX Joining Harry was his family,, Mely and Kida and Brother Jerry Howard.
CLICK HERE for a few additional photos
San Gabriel’s commitment to providing educational tools to 1st Graders continues with the most recent program. In November 2022 Bro David Yeager delivered kits to IGO Elementary School in Jarrell, TX. Accepting the kits was the School Nurse Heather Olson who planned the program and distribution of the dental kits.
The program was planned for Monday, December 12, 2022, in the school cafeteria.
All of the 1st graders assembled in the cafeteria to hear Nurse Olson explain good dental health. The children actively participated in the discussion answering questions presented by Nurse Olson. As their reward for being good listeners, the dental kits were distributed to all fo the 1st graders.
To view some of the photos taken during the program, CLICK HERE
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Members and their families enjoyed a wonderful Christmas Dinner this evening at the Lodge in Georgetown, TX. A meal prepared by members was served to over 60 guests. The Lodge served as a collection point for Williamson County “Brown Santa”. New toys in their original packaging will be delivered to the Williamson County Sheriff’s Department for distribution to needy families in the county.
Santa managed to make a stop as dessert was served for the children to make their last-minute wishes to Santa.
Additional photos can be viewed – CLICK HERE
Brothers and their families enjoyed a wonderful July 4th BBQ event. The lodge’s San Gabriel BBQ Chefs started early on the 3rd of July smoking the briskets and sausages. The lodge family’s July 4th BBQ followed the next day. A children’s cake walks late in the afternoon preceding the City of Georgetown Fireworks across the street in the park. Watching the fireworks at the lodge is the best seat in the house.
To view additional photos, CLICK HERE
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During the Dec 8 Stated Meeting, Brother Walt Herbert was presented with the certificate of his endowment to San Gabriel Lodge. The Masonic Endowment Program benefits both the member and his lodge. You will find forms and information on the program by going to the Members Portal and downloading the material.
At the October 2022 Last Saturday Breakfast the Lodge honored Veterans for their service. The breakfast cooks outdid themselves with their offerings. Crisp bacon, eggs cooked to order, biscuits and gravy, sweet rolls, fruit salad, and coffee to make Starbucks jealous.
A few photos of the event can be viewed HERE.
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Our 21st Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament was held at the Cowan Creek Golf Course in Sun City / Georgetown, Texas on Monday, October 24, 2022. The event teed off with a shotgun start at 1 pm. Play for this tournament was the best ball. When the last team finished a great dinner was serviced in the pavilion adjacent to the pro shop. First and Second place teams were presented with their awards. The Second Place team returned their winnings to the Scholarship Fund. A perfect event was only topped with perfect weather all day. Greg Roland, SW, and his committee did a super job planning the event.
Team and event photos can be found by CLICKING HERE
On Oct 15 2022 Ladies from San Gabriel Lodge were treated to finger sandwiches, scones, and various pastries along with a selection of teas. Lodge members after instructions on proper tea serving spent the afternoon. Many thanks to Kim Yalch, wife of Greg Yalch, WM for providing the food and planning.
For additional event photos, CLICK HERE
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Oct 13 2022 David Yeager presentation with his Past Masters Apron during the Oct 13 th meeting. Brother Greg Yalch, WM, and Brother Eric Sims, Secretary presented Brother Yeager with his apron and certificate.
For additional photos, please CLICK HERE
The members of San Gabriel #89 extended an invitation to the widows of Lodge Members to attend a High Tea. The High Tea Event was planned by Kim Yalch (wife of Greg Yalch, PM). The invitation was extended to widows from Hadassah Chapter #188 O.E.S.
Greg Yalch, A. E. Chionsini, Walt Hebert, and Rusty Swanson served 8 ladies who attended. The ladies were served finger sandwiches of chicken salad, cucumber, and egg salad. Two varieties of scones, a chocolate wafer, and Kim Yalch’s famous chocolate flower were served on multi-level serving dishes. The food and tea were served in fine china.
A small favor was found next to each setting. A cute bookmark with a delicate facing. Greg Yalch opened the event with a prayer to keep all safe and happy wishes to all of the mothers this coming weekend.
Plans are being forged for another High Tea later in the Calendar Year. Photos were taken by Mark Pavlovich.
To View More Photos – CLICK HERE
San Gabriel Lodge #89 Awards Scholarships
April 22, 2022
Worshipful Master David Yeager and Scholarship Committee Chairman Jeffrey Hanks presented $2500 Scholarships to two Jarrell High School seniors.
Luke Payne will be attending Texas A&M and Miguel Grabo will be attending Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX
The members of San Gabriel Lodge #89 wish them the best of luck in their pathway to formal education.
The Fall Golf Tournament and 4th of July BBQ along with other planned fundraisers provide the funding for the scholarship program.
For additional photos please click here
San Gabriel Lodge #89 Awards Scholarships
April 22, 2022
Worshipful Master David Yeager and Scholarship Committee Chairman Jeffrey Hanks presented $2500 Scholarships to two Jarrell High School seniors.
Luke Payne will be attending Texas A&M and Miguel Grabo will be attending Southwestern University in Georgetown, TX
The members of San Gabriel Lodge #89 wish them the best of luck in their pathway to formal education.
The Fall Golf Tournament and 4th of July BBQ along with other planned fundraisers provide the funding for the scholarship program.
For additional photos please click here